Professional Certification in The Fundamentals of Neurodiversity

Home > Professional Development Florida State University offers an online curriculum for a Professional Certification in The Fundamentals of Neurodiversity. The curriculum was developed by the Clearinghouse on Trauma & Resilience within the Institute for...

Prevención e Intervención contra la Trata de Personas

Home > Professional Development La Universidad Estatal de Florida, FSU por sus siglas en inglés Florida State University, ofrece un plan de estudios en línea para una Certificación Profesional en la Prevención e Intervención contra la Trata de Personas. Este plan...

Reviews: Trauma & Resilience Level Two

Home > Professional Development> Trauma & Resilience Level Two More Participant Reviews “Your online platform is very user friendly and the information that you provide in your courses is easily transferrable to regular reference and everyday use in a...

Reviews: Human Trafficking Prevention

Home > Professional Development> Human Trafficking Prevention & Intervention More Participant Reviews “The information I learned has continued to be helpful since I took the course last fall. I’m currently an MSW student at Fordham University. Last year, I...

Reviews: College Student Wellbeing

Home > Professional Development> College Student Wellbeing, Trauma & Resilience More Participant Reviews “This course was a highly effective blend of information, knowledge, concepts, and skills that I was aware of, things I hadn’t been able to...