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“The information I learned has continued to be helpful since I took the course last fall. I’m currently an MSW student at Fordham University. Last year, I was working on a paper about human trafficking and was trying to learn as much as I could about current policies and how they were developed. The certification program was definitely helpful with that but I’ve been surprised by how much the information covered and the way it was presented has impacted my ability to discuss these topics with a group of high school students I currently mentor. I am so grateful I came across the Human Trafficking Prevention course. It was such a positive learning experience that I’ve since taken the Trauma & Resilience courses. I really appreciate how well-developed and comprehensive the courses available through the FSU Center for Academic & Professional Development have been. “
“Everyone that comes in contact with people in all industries would benefit from this training. It opened my eyes to the many layers in human trafficking and made me think about my daily interaction with people. I feel more adapt at being able to help or recognize a potential situation. Highly recommended!
“This course included a wide array of information and resources regarding Human Trafficking in a variety of different professions and services. The information was presented in a way that was comfortable to read and comprehend and offered very insightful information that I will be able to utilize in my career endeavors.”
“This course offers a much-needed overview of insights into trafficking and the current efforts needed by all citizens to take their part in the anti-trafficking community. It takes all of us coming together to create a world free from slavery. This course will help with your understanding of the issue, address common misconceptions, and equip you to take action in your own life to be able to recognize and report trafficking, assist survivors, as well as play your part in prevention efforts.”
“I truly felt re-motivated after this course to continue working within the HT realm.”