About the FSU Center for Academic & Professional Development

The mission of the Center for Academic and Professional Development is to extend the resources of the University to promote learning for life. Through our Always Learning venues, we host conferencing, educational workshops, certificate programs, teacher education institutes, digital resources and e-learning, and academic courses.
All of the center’s activities and programs support its mission to extend the resources of Florida State University to promote lifelong learning.
Contact FSU CAPD
Contact CAPD
Information: (850) 644-3801
Mon.- Fri. 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, EST
Fax: (850) 644-3803
Florida State University
Center for Academic & Professional Development
555 W. Pensacola Street
P.O. Box 3061640
Campus Mail: 1640
Tallahassee, Florida 32306-1640
Payment Information
(850) 644-7556 (Option 2)
Course Information
(850) 644-7556 (Option 3)